Official Primary Colors

Color Palette

  • grey

    Pantone 421C

    CMYK: 32, 23, 26, 0

    RGB: 176, 179, 178

    Hex: #b0b3b2

    • black

      Pantone Process Black C

      CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 100

      RGB: 35, 31, 32

      Hex: #231f20

      • gold

        Pantone 123C

        CMYK: 0, 24, 92, 0

        RGB: 255, 198, 41

        Hex: #ffc629

        Pantone 1235C is for fabric only

        Master Brand Background Color Usage

        Full-color Master Brand

        Correct application of the university brand logos greatly depends on the background colors.  A key guideline in the application is the interior of the KS monogram must be lighter than the first outer stroke. Please see below examples of application of the brand. 

        Full-color application of the brand is recommended. Versions of black and white lettering are available for background color application of the brand. Full-color printing is required of the brand, if full color is used in the overall design. If printing on alternate color backgrounds, other than black, gold, grey, or white, the brand must appear in one color, all black or all white depending on background color.  Some full color applications of the brand on alternate colors will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.


        Full-color black lettersfull color black letters

        Full-color white lettersfull color white letters

        Two-Color Master Brand

        Two-color versions are available but can only be applied when a light or soft color background is used. Dark backgrounds such as black require full color or white one-color application.


        Two-color versiontwo-color master brand

        Master Brand, black one-color

        One-color logos are available for use, in both black and white options. The all black one-color option must be used on light or soft color backgrounds. The interior of the KS monogram must be lighter than the first outer stroke. If printing on alternate color backgrounds, other than black, gold, grey, or white, the brand must appear in one color, all white. 


        One-color all blackblack color master brand

        Master brand, white one-color

        One-color logos are available for use, in both black and white options. The all white one-color option must be used on darker colored back grounds. The interior of the KS monogram must be lighter than the first outer stroke. If printing on alternate color backgrounds, other than black, gold, grey, or white, the brand must appear in one color all white.


        One-color all whitewhite color master brand

